Best way to convert your ICO to PNG file in seconds. 100% free, secure and easy to use!

Maximum upload file size: 5 MB

Use Remote URL
Upload from device


Welcome to MLPTools's ICO to PNG Converter tool! Our free online converter simplifies the process of transforming ICO (Icon) files into PNG (Portable Network Graphics) images. Whether you're a designer, developer, or handling icon conversions, our tool provides a user-friendly interface to effortlessly convert your ICO icons into PNG format.

Key Features:

  1. Effortless Conversion: Convert ICO icons into PNG images with a simple click.
  2. Preview Option: Preview PNG images before downloading for accuracy.
  3. Instant Processing: Quickly convert ICO icons with rapid processing.
  4. Export Options: Download the converted PNG images.

How to Use:

  1. Upload ICO Files: Select or drag and drop your ICO files into the tool.
  2. Convert and Preview: Initiate the conversion process and preview PNG images.
  3. Download or Save: Download the converted PNG image.

Why Choose MLPTools's ICO to PNG Converter?

Our ICO to PNG Converter offers a seamless conversion experience, enabling users to transform ICO icons into PNG images effortlessly. Here’s why users prefer our tool:

  • User-Friendly Interface: Easily navigate through the conversion process with clear instructions.
  • Customization Options: Tailor PNG image sizes to suit specific project requirements.
  • Secure and Instant: Conversion happens instantly, and no data is stored on our servers.


1. What is an ICO file, and why convert it to PNG?

ICO files contain icon images primarily used in Windows systems. Converting ICO to PNG expands compatibility, allowing the use of icons across various platforms, websites, and applications.

2. Can this converter handle ICO files with multiple icon sizes?

Yes, our tool retains multiple sizes within ICO files and provides options to select specific sizes or convert them all into PNG images.

3. Are there limitations to the output PNG image sizes?

Our converter offers flexibility in selecting PNG image sizes, allowing you to maintain the original dimensions or specify custom sizes for the output PNG images.

4. Is the conversion process secure and private?

Absolutely! Your data remains secure throughout the conversion process, and we do not retain any files after conversion or download.

5. Can I convert multiple ICO files at once?

Certainly! Our tool supports batch conversion, enabling you to convert multiple ICO files to PNG images simultaneously for convenience.


Simplify your icon conversion process by transforming ICO icons into PNG images effortlessly with MLPTools's ICO to PNG Converter tool. Enhance your workflow and streamline your icon management effortlessly.

Start converting your ICO icons into PNG images with ease using our intuitive tool!